Highcharts, Rails - Way To Set Start Point For Graph?
On my chart I am trying to change the start point for my graph but does not work: series: [{ name: 'Difficulty', connectNulls:true, color: '#FF0
Solution 1:
First off, you need to change your x-axis
in data to be in epoch or change the interval in the graph to not be in miliseconds (epoch time).
So, your data should be more like:
data: <%= HomeworkStudent.
where(:school_user_id => current_user.school_user.id).
order('updated_at ASC').map {|e| [e.updated_at.to_i * 1000, e.id]}.
to_a.to_json.html_safe %>
Maybe you should also add a filter as to what you select. It shouldn't be older than two weeks ago:
data: <%= HomeworkStudent.
where(:school_user_id => current_user.school_user.id).
where('updated_at > ?', 2.weeks.ago.at_midnight).order('updated_at ASC').map {|e| [e.updated_at.to_i * 1000, e.id]}.
to_a.to_json.html_safe %>
Other than that, you could of course have labels that are not numeric, but actual words. This is a bit more elaborate...
... or not...
You skip (like in "not use at all") the following:
pointInterval: <%= 1.day * 1000 %>,pointStart: <%= 2.weeks.ago.at_midnight.to_i * 1000 %>,
And use data-value pairs in your data array:
data: <%= HomeworkStudent.
where(:school_user_id => current_user.school_user.id).
where('updated_at > ?', 2.weeks.ago.at_midnight).
order('updated_at ASC').
group_by {|e| e.updated_at.to_date}. # Group them rails-wise, not db-engine specific
map {|e| [e.first.to_s, e.second.sum(&:difficulty)] }. # get date and sum of difficulties, format e.first as you wish with **strftime**
to_json.html_safe %>
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