How To Get Item From Array Even If Index Is Out Of Bounds
I have an array with 8 positions: var myArray = []; myArray[0] = 'text1'; myArray[1] = 'text2'; myArray[2] = 'text3'; myArray[3] = 'text4'; myArray[4] = 'text5'; myArray[5] = 'text
Solution 1:
You could accomplish this via using the "remainder" modulo operator which handles these kinds of "wrapping" scenarios :
functiongetArrayValueWithWrapping(array, index){
returnarray[index % array.length];
Solution 2:
You have to calculate
the remainder of division
, using % (modulos)
var myArray = [];
myArray[0] = "text1";
myArray[1] = "text2";
myArray[2] = "text3";
myArray[3] = "text4";
myArray[4] = "text5";
myArray[5] = "text6";
myArray[6] = "text7";
myArray[7] = "text8";
<scriptsrc=""></script><inputtype="number"/><button>Get Text</button>
Solution 3:
I think it would work with myArray[ index %8 ]. If you then try to call index nr. 8 the modulo returns 0. If you call nr. 9, it gets you index 1 of the array.
Hope it helped.
Solution 4:
You can use the %
(modulos) operator. This will take a number and divide it by another and return the remainder. For example:
x = 9 % 8;
// x == 1
Because 8 / 9 = 8 with a remainder of 1, so this will never return a number greater than 8 but will cycle through the remainders (8 % 10 == 2, 8 % 16 == 0)
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