Javascript/html: Using Id Vs. Class When Naming
Solution 1:
The "id" attribute is used to supply a globally-unique identifier for an element. The "class" attribute is used to categorize or typify an element according to its meaning, its intended use, its relationship to other elements, or whatever else your application requires.
Usually it's more flexible to use classes to identify things, because more than one element can be given the same class, and an element can have as many classes as are needed. Any single element may only have one "id", and the values must not be re-used in the same document. There are clear use cases for both attributes in which one or the other is obviously more appropriate, and many other cases where it's less clear and for which either could be used.
This isn't really a JavaScript issue so much as a "web application design" issue. How one labels HTML elements is dictated by the nature of the content (HTML), the needs of the presentation (CSS), and the intended behaviors (JavaScript).
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