Pure Javascript Yaml Library That Supports Both Dump And Load?
Solution 1:
Was just looking for the same, here's a basic Javascript-based YAML parser written by Tj Holowaychuk over at refactormycode.com. I'm duplicating it here to ensure it isn't lost, appears the JsYaml link on yaml.org has been broken a while. Haven't tested it yet.
YAML = {
valueOf: function(token) {
returneval('(' + token + ')')
tokenize: function(str) {
return str.match(/(---|true|false|null|#(.*)|\[(.*?)\]|\{(.*?)\}|[\w\-]+:|-(.+)|\d+\.\d+|\d+|\n+)/g)
strip: function(str) {
return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/, '')
parse: function(tokens) {
var token, list = /^-(.*)/, key = /^([\w\-]+):/, stack = {}
while (token = tokens.shift())
if (token[0] == '#' || token == '---' || token == "\n")
continueelseif (key.exec(token) && tokens[0] == "\n")
stack[RegExp.$1] = this.parse(tokens)
elseif (key.exec(token))
stack[RegExp.$1] = this.valueOf(tokens.shift())
elseif (list.exec(token))
(stack.constructor == Array ?
stack : (stack = [])).push(this.strip(RegExp.$1))
return stack
eval: function(str) {
return this.parse(this.tokenize(str))
// config.yml
# just a commentlist: ['foo', 'bar']
hash: { foo: "bar", n: 1 }
- lib/cart.js
- lib/cart.foo.js
- spec/cart.spec.js
- spec/cart.foo.spec.js
# - Commented out
failuresOnly: true
verbose: false
Solution 2:
I update this question to give another solution that myself worked on: https://github.com/jeremyfa/yaml.js
It is a pure javascript port of Symfony YAML Component (YAML 1.2) and supports both loading and dumping. Hope this helps.
Solution 3:
Possibly newer version of js-yaml here:
Solution 4:
I'm not sure where the "plenty of implementations" that support dump but not load are to be found - to the extent that JSON is a proper subset of YAML 1.2, I guess there might be plenty of those, but that subset makes for YAML that is not particular human friendly, especially for complex data structures. Most of the links I have found are to github forks of JS-YAML that depend on node.js and/or only provide parsers.
Jeremy Faivre's yaml.js on bitbucket implements both dump and load of YAML in standalone javascript (I found it from an answer to a related stackoverflow question). It is not actively maintained, but seems to work fine for moderately complex YAML and/or javascript objects.
Solution 5:
yaml-javascript pretends to be both dumper and parser. Never tried.
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