Javascript Arguments Array
Solution 1:
The arguments array is a way to pass "unlimited" values to a function, without having to specify every single one of them.
Think of it as a way to make a function recieve a non-specified number of values. In your example, it would be the same as saying:
functionaddSuffix(argument1, argument2, argument3)
var sString = argument2+argument1+" "+argument3+argument1+" ";
return sString;
Because it starts from 1 (the second argument passed), then adds the first one again (arguments[0]) then a white space (" "). Then it repeats the process.
See more about this array at the Mozilla Developer Network.
Solution 2:
When a function is executed an arguments object is created. The arguments object has an array-like structure with an indexed property for each passed argument and a length property equal to the total number of parameters supplied by the caller.
Solution 3:
Variable Values After First Iteration of for loop:
sString = "bows "
Variable Values After Second Iteration of for loop:
sString = "bows dogs "
Variable Values After third Iteration of for loop:
sString = "bows dogs kites "
Return: "bows dogs kites "
The return value from is "bows dogs kites ".
The length of the arguments are 4. The for loop runs a total of 3 times. Each time it will add the element that is in the first position in the arguments array and add it to the end of the string of the k-th element in the argument array. It keeps adding on to the sString.
Does this make sense?
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