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How To Shorten Url To Show Domain Only With Angular.js Filter

I got some long urls in my Json and I'm trying to figure out the best way to show only the domain using angular's filter or maybe just some javascript ?

Solution 1:

It's really easy in AngularJS to create your own filter:

app.filter( 'domain', function () {
  returnfunction ( input ) {
    var matches,
        output = "",
        urls = /\w+:\/\/([\w|\.]+)/;

    matches = urls.exec( input );

    if ( matches !== null ) output = matches[1];

    return output;

Which you can easily call in your view:

<span>{{ myUrl | domain }}</span>

Here's a Plunker:

This is a super-simple regex that you'll probably want to expand, but it works!

Solution 2:

This angular filter will also work!

It is really cool and simple because it makes use of of the browsers built in URI parsing capability instead of relying on a regex.

  .filter('urlFilter', function ($document) {
    returnfunction (input) {
      var parser = document.createElement('a');
      parser.href = input;
      return parser.hostname;

You can implement it in your view like this.

{{ myLongURL | urlFilter }}

If myLongURL is, then it will show up as after it passes through the filter. If you want the www. at the beginning you can just do this!

www.{{myLongURL | urlFilter}}

Solution 3:

Use location.hostname to get the domain without an accruements.

Solution 4:

I created this filter

angular.module('App').filter( 'domainOfUrl',['$filter',function($filter) {
  returnfunction( input ) {
     var urlParts = input.split('/');      
    return urlParts[2];

The above filter works like this:

input :***_x


use $filter if you want.

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