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Blur Event Is Triggered Instead Of Click

When a user starts typing into an input field, the web app I'm working on generates drop down with auto-fill options, if a user clicks on one of the options, it populates the corre

Solution 1:

Okay Have a look at these changes that I've made in your JS: I've Observed That: click event triggers after the blur. Instead of click use mousedown it will work.

Here Are The changes I've made in your JS:

$(".dropdown").on("mousedown", ".item-option", function(e){                
//set item object with dropdown option text

updateOrder(true, item);

//if customer enters custom information without clicking on item option
$('.id-input, .name-input, .price-input, .qty-input').blur(function(){

   updateOrder(false, {});

functionupdateOrder(clicked, item){
   //update order with the item information from the dropdown the user clicked
  //update order by collecting all plaintext user entered into input fields

Hope It'll Help.. Cheers :)..

Solution 2:

Try below code.

$(".dropdown").on(click, ".item-option", function(event){                
   //set item object with dropdown option text
   updateOrder(true, item);

//if customer enters custom information without clicking on item option
$('.id-input, .name-input, .price-input, .qty-input').blur(function(){
   updateOrder(false, {});

functionupdateOrder(clicked, item){
     //update order with the item information from the dropdown the user clicked
  } else{
    //update order by collecting all plaintext user entered into input fields

stopPropagation is required only in click event because, once dropdown option clicked, blur also triggered, which we need to stop. Blur does not trigger click, so stopPropagation not needed there.

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