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How Do I Smartly Truncate An Html String In Javascript?

I have a content that a user enters in that can be any sort of text. eg This is some sample text. I can use special characters like <>&<>&<>&<>

Solution 1:

I found that I can keep track of the html entities and adjust the truncation length.

function truncateToLength(
    truncationCharacter = "&hellip;")
    //string is too small, does not need to be truncatedif(stringToTruncate.length <= truncationLength){
        return stringToTruncate;

    //find all html entitiesvar splitOnAmpersandArray = stringToTruncate.split('&');

    //first instance of html entity is beyond our truncation length//return what we have plus truncation characterif(splitOnAmpersandArray[0].length > truncationLength){
        return splitOnAmpersandArray[0].substring(0, truncationLength) 
            + truncationCharacter;

    //first instance of html entity is inside our truncation lengthvar truncatedString = splitOnAmpersandArray[0];

    //keep adding onto truncated string until:// it is longer than our length or // we are out of characters to add on.for(var i = 1; i < splitOnAmpersandArray.length; i++){
        //find end of current html entityvar htmlEntityLength = splitOnAmpersandArray[i].indexOf(';');

        //increase truncation length to account for size of current html entity
        truncationLength += htmlEntityLength + 1;

        //add up until next html entity
        truncatedString = truncatedString + '&' + splitOnAmpersandArray[i];

        //if our new length is too long, truncate and add truncation characterif(truncatedString.length >= truncationLength){
            return truncatedString.substring(0,truncationLength) 
                + truncationCharacter;

    //we ran out of characters to add onto string, return resultreturn truncatedString;

var content = "&nbsp;&amp;&gt;&lt;&quot;&apos;&cent;&pound;&yen;&euro;&copy;&reg;";
  $('#sample').html(truncateToLength(content, 5));
  $('#sample').prop('title', $('<div/>').html(content).text());

        truncationCharacter = "&hellip;")
        //string is too small, does not need to be truncatedif(stringToTruncate.length <= truncationLength){
            return stringToTruncate;
        //find all html entitiesvar splitOnAmpersandArray = stringToTruncate.split('&');

        //first instance of html entity is beyond our truncation length//return what we have plus truncation characterif(splitOnAmpersandArray[0].length > truncationLength){
            return splitOnAmpersandArray[0].substring(0, truncationLength) 
                + truncationCharacter;

        //first instance of html entity is inside our truncation lengthvar truncatedString = splitOnAmpersandArray[0];
        //keep adding onto truncated string until:// it is longer than our length or // we are out of characters to add on.for(var i = 1; i < splitOnAmpersandArray.length; i++){
            //find end of current html entityvar htmlEntityLength = splitOnAmpersandArray[i].indexOf(';');

            //increase truncation length to account for size of current html entity
            truncationLength += htmlEntityLength + 1;

            //add up until next html entity
            truncatedString = truncatedString + '&' + splitOnAmpersandArray[i];

            //if our new length is too long, truncate and add truncation characterif(truncatedString.length >= truncationLength){
                return truncatedString.substring(0,truncationLength) 
                    + truncationCharacter;

        //we ran out of characters to add onto string, return resultreturn truncatedString;

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