How To Pass Shinytree Values To Drop Down Input In Shiny
I'm trying to create dropdown input in shiny which has hierarchical drop-down list in R shiny like below: hierarchical drop-down list in R shiny For now I'm able to create an shiny
Solution 1:
I did a Shiny binding for the ComboTree library yesterday. It works but this is not fantastic.
File comboTreeBinding.js to put in the www subfolder:
var comboTreeBinding = newShiny.InputBinding();
$.extend(comboTreeBinding, {
find: function (scope) {
return $(scope).find(".comboTree");
getValue: function (el) {
var value = el.value.split(", ");
var empty = value.length === 1 && value[0] === "";
return empty ? null : value;
setValue: function(el, value) {
subscribe: function (el, callback) {
$(el).on("change.comboTreeBinding", function (e) {
unsubscribe: function (el) {
initialize: function(el) {
var $el = $(el);
source: $"choices"),
isMultiple: $"multiple"),
cascadeSelect: $"cascaded"),
collapse: true
Shiny app (put the files style.css and comboTreePlugin.js in the www subfolder):
comboTreeInput <-function(inputId, width ="30%", height ="100px",
choices, multiple =TRUE, cascaded =TRUE){
tags$div(style = sprintf("width: %s; height: %s;", width, height),
tags$input(id = inputId,class="comboTree", type ="text",
placeholder ="Select",
`data-choices` =as.character(toJSON(choices, auto_unbox =TRUE)),
`data-multiple` = ifelse(multiple,"true","false"),
`data-cascaded` = ifelse(cascaded,"true","false")))}
choices <-list(list(id =1, title ="item1"),list(id =2, title ="item2",
subs =list(list(id =21, title ="item2-1"),list(id =22, title ="item2-2"))),list(id =3, title ="item3",
subs =list(list(id =31, title ="item3-1", isSelectable =FALSE,
subs =list(list(id =311, title ="item3-1-1"),list(id =312, title ="item3-1-2"))),list(id =32, title ="item3-2"))))
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$link(rel ="stylesheet", href ="style.css"),
tags$script(src ="comboTreePlugin.js"),
tags$script(src ="comboTreeBinding.js")),
h3("You selected:"),
comboTreeInput("mycombotree", choices = choices))
server <-function(input, output, session){
output[["selections"]]<- renderPrint({
shinyApp(ui, server)
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