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How To Get Top Div To Fill Remaining Height After Bottom Div Rendered? (without Flexbox)

Three divs each above the other, within a parent container. Top div is fixed height. Bottom div has content that takes up an unknown amount of vertical space but needs all content

Solution 1:

For old browser , where flex cannot be used , display:tablecan be a fall back but layout will be able to grow past window's height where content is too long to be shown at once.

A CSS only mix using flex and table as a fallback where flex is not supported:

Below, snippet with display:table/table-row CSS only (which works for almost any browser (IE8 and next)

#container {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  display: table;
  background: turquoise;

#container>div {
  display: table-row;

.buffer {
  display: table-cell;
  /* display is optionnal but element is required in HTML to keep layout as a single column and allow vertical-align to content*/
  vertical-align: middle;
  text-align: center;

#top {
  background: orange;
  height: 100px;

#middle {
  height: 100%;

#bottom {
  background: tomato;
<div id="container">
  <div id="top">
    <div class="buffer">top 100px, test me full page and in any medias
  <div id="middle">
    <div class="buffer">Use remaining vertical space
  <div id="bottom">
    <div class="buffer">Unknown height<br/> that fits <br/>to content to hold

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